(Long ago, this page was cracked and I lost everything that I had written. Kudos to my good friend PACO who provided me with a backup he fortunately had! Thanks dude!)


Hello and welcome to antlraux's home page.

antlraux is a support lib for ANTLR logo, written in java.

Its structure is a package with subpackages.

The third public release (v0.2.1) is out.

This site has been made in half an our. Like Bjarne Stroustrup said:

I'm a "contents provider" not a website designer. I can use my time to improve the contents or the looks, but not both.

This site is kindly hosted by SourceForge.net Logo (Browse sourceforge site)

Features + Changelog

Version v0.2.1 is just a license change; v0.2 is licensed under the GPL license, while v0.2.1 is released under the BSD license.

Version v0.2 is just a bug-correction of v0.1, with some changes in the type system classes and some utility classes additions.


Right now there's only the javadoc documentation. Browse it here or download it on the download section.


Download antlraux v0.2.1 here (zip file) .

Download antlraux v0.2.1 javadoc documentation here (zip file).

Legal blah blah

antlraux is being developed by me, Enrique José García Cota (a.k.a. Kikito).

I'm not working for a company right now, so I just invented the name "MadDog Software". I'm using it on the license notices of antlraux, since an organization name is required in the BSD. It is not registered by me. If you are the legal owner of this name or you feel that any rights are violated, please send me an email (see the Contact section).

antlraux is distributed under the BSD license.

Right now I have no personal site, but I'm planning to. You can even drop me an e-mail if you want (see the Contact section”).


Due to this digital scourge known as spam, I cannot directly write my e-mail address here. Spam bots are getting smarter every day, so let me describe my email address in a very difficult way:

The name is my name, “enrique” followed by the word “informatico”. The server is “@yahoo.es” (carefully here - @yahoo.com” will not work).

Well, if any bot is capable of retrieving my address from that, I'll accept any spam it sends to me...

Please put the string “antlraux” somewhere in your mail's theme. Help me putting some order on my mailbox!

You can also send a message to the antlr-interest maillist (again, make sure you include the string "antlraux" on the subject). You can browse the list here.