antlraux package

Package antlraux.context.types

antlraux type system.


Interface Summary
ClassMemberType Types that implement this interface are class members; use it for methods, attributes and such.
HeritableType This is a very simple interface that modelizes the "isA" relationship
ModifiedType This interface represents a Type that has a set of modifiers in the form of strings (like "public", "static", etc).
ScopedType This interface modelizes a Type that has a Scope, like a class type or a method type.
SimpleInheritanceType This derived interface modelizes types that implement simple inheritance (only one super class, no interfaces)
Type This interface is the main object of antlraux's type system.

Class Summary
AttributeType This is a basic implementation of a class' attribute.
ClassType This class represents a Type that modelizes the type of a class, this is, a set of data and a set of methods.
CommonType A very basic implementation of Type.
DeclaredType This class is an extension of CommonType that implements ModifiedType, so it implements a very basic Type with modifiers.
MethodType This is a basic implementation of MethodType inferface.

Exception Summary
TypeException Exception launched when an error is found in the type system.

Package antlraux.context.types Description

antlraux type system. The whole package is built around the a set of interfaces, being Type the main one.

These interfaces can me mixed up to build custom types.

antlraux package

Created by Enrique José García Cota